Equality & Diversity Policy
Ioma Clothing Company Limited (trading as) “The Work Uniform Company” aims to create a business culture that respects and values each other’s differences and to secure genuine equality of opportunity in all aspects of its uniform and workwear supply services.
This Policy contains measures required under the Equalities Act 2010 and recognises different types of discrimination and individuals with protected characteristics within our workforce as well as customers and clients.
As a consequence, this Policy’s commitment applies to job applicants, employees, apprentices, casual/temporary workers and all clients, and individual customers of our clothing supply service. This Policy will set out how we aim to achieve this prime duty, the responsibilities of staff, suppliers, and assessment of our manufacturing partners. Also, the Policy states the processes established to monitor our success in achieving greater equality in the workplace and in the delivery of our services in the public and commercial sectors.
This Policy is fully compliant with the 2010 Equalities Act which supersedes all previous legislation. The current company Policy also reflects the wish of Ioma Clothing to promote the best practice in this area of equality of opportunity and to provide social value benefits to the communities in which we deliver services.
All employees, clients and customers will be made aware of the organisation's commitment to diversity and equality of opportunity and of the legal commitments of the organisation in company documents and via our website. A copy of the Equality and Diversity Policy will be given to all new employees with their Terms and Conditions of Employment at induction and this commitment is also contained within the Employee Handbook and the Code of Conduct required of our workforce.
A copy of the Equality and Diversity Policy will be displayed on the Employee Notice Board at the company offices at Speke, Liverpool. The Work Uniform Company will promote good practice with equality and diversity through training, individual support and through setting a good example with our general recruitment and selection procedures and those used to select any training placements and apprentices.
These principles of equality and diversity will be embedded into partnership working with public and private sector customers and will be a contained within our annual supply chain and supplier assessment processes for companies both within and outside the EU.
The Work Uniform Company is committed to delivering uniforms and workwear as an Equal Opportunity employer and to have an inclusive workforce that provides the Social Value outcomes to public, private, and charitable bodies in accordance with the 2012 Social Value Act. In these circumstances, our Policy aims to ensure that no job applicant, employee or casual/temporary: -
• receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of age, race, religion or belief, faith, colour, disability, ethnic origin, nationality, marital / parental status, gender, gender re-assignment, sexual orientation, HIV status, membership of any minority group or offending background (subject to safeguarding duties and legal obligations for vulnerable groups).
• is disadvantaged by conditions or skill requirements which cannot be shown to be justifiable in the job description.
The company will frequently review its selection and recruitment criteria and procedures to ensure that individuals are selected, promoted, and treated on the basis of their relevant merits, skills and overall abilities. The Operations Director responsible for the recruitment process has been guided by our consultants to take an unbiased approach and to ask only questions which relate to the job that are non-discriminatory and fully compliant with the 2010 Equalities Act. Advice will be sought from an independent HR Consultancy and/or reasonable adjustments will be made to accommodate disabled people and cultural differences. All employees doing equal jobs are to be treated equally with respect to pay and conditions.
Company literature and Information on work programmes and our clothing supply services will be made available in accordance with the Equalities Act 2010 and the contract terms agreed with public and social housing providers. For this reason, information about our products will be available in a variety of formats on request. Basic standards of good accessible communication will be developed and used throughout The Work Uniform Company’s services including both written documents and websites.
All clothing supply services are covered by this Policy commitment. We strive to provide quality services to all service customers equally and fairly and to ensure that our policies and procedures do not discriminate against any group or individual on the grounds of age, race, religion or belief, faith, colour, disability, ethnic origin, nationality, marital / parental status, gender, gender re-assignment, sexual orientation, or HIV status. Training will be provided to staff involved in the delivery of uniform and work wear services related to end user beliefs and faith. The company supplies police and other uniforms compliant to these equalities’ obligations.
The Managing Director has been assigned as the responsible person to ensure the implementation of this commitment to equality as well as reviewing compliance and the development of any Action Plans to improve social value benefits and enhance the diversity of our workforce. These day-to-day monitoring and recording duties will also be undertaken by the Operations Manager
All employees, suppliers and customers of the organisation's services are expected to accept their personal responsibility for the practical application of the Policy and must ensure that they do not discriminate in any way against employees, suppliers or customers/end users with whom their work may bring them into contact. Specific responsibility falls upon the Directors and senior managers to ensure that this Policy is disseminated and implemented on every contract works.
We recognise that Ioma Clothing as an employer may be held responsible for the actions of their employees if they act in a discriminatory way. If a complaint is made against any individual and it can be shown that discrimination has taken place contrary to laid down procedures, laws, and contract terms, that individual/employee will be held personally responsible, and the company may decide not to assist in their defence should the matter result in litigation.
Employees and/or supplier who do not abide by the terms of this Policy will be subject to disciplinary procedures and sanctions as appropriate. In the case of suppliers, sub-contractors and any supply chain members will be subject to automatic assessment of the terms and conditions of any current contractual arrangement which may be terminated depending on the severity of the non-compliance with the Equalities Act 2010.
The Operations Director will ensure that all Application Forms, Equality Monitoring Forms and HR guidance for prospective employees contains a statement as an equal opportunities’ employer. The company will use local Jobcentre Plus, local newspapers and/or Local Colleges/Apprentice Providers to identify any potential new employees. The company website will direct contain information that communicates our commitment as an equal opportunities’ employer.
The Managing Director as the responsible person for ensuring compliance with the Equalities Act 2010 the company will require the Operations Director to monitor and review its compliance with the legislation. These duties will include maintaining appropriate information including any legal action and any complaints/ grievances submitted to the company relating to discriminatory practices. This duty will also be achieved by issuing an Employee Monitoring Form with every Ioma Clothing Application Form.
The completion of the Monitoring Form will be voluntary, and this information will not influence the selection, promotion or treatment of existing staff or potential employees. The Managing Director will annually review the effectiveness of this procedure in accordance with our reporting and review procedures with the Management Team at Ioma Clothing. The Managing Director will then consider the training needs of the workforce and develop an Action Plan to address any equality related issues.
Name: Paul Levinson
Date: 26th July 2022
Next Review Date: June 2024